We are praying to the God breathes out galaxies. And names stars. But can also count every ant. And blade of grass. And grain of sand. And hair on our head. Who created the smell of cookies and steak. Who creates the rainbows that show up when light hits something just the right way. Who created each animal with a specific sound. Who created animals to have instincts to keep themselves alive for cryin out loud. Who created colors. Who created textures. Who created sounds and music. Who created the bottom of the sea floor that is 95% undiscovered. He knows that 95%. Who created the human mind and it’s limitations. Who created emotions. Who created thoughts. (Both in His image.) who created fingernails and eyelashes and bellybuttons. Who created weather and seasons. Who created time and is Himself the Author of it. Who is both the Beginning and End of everything yet has no beginning or end in Himself. Who is seated on the throne currently holding everything together, ruling and reigning. Who is totally sovereign over every minute detail. Who works while we wait and can also change anything in a single second. Who created us with every detail intentionally for the glory of His name. Who is both infinite as well as intimate. Both Almighty and personal. Who seeks our hearts. Who is relentless in being our highest joy. Who is patient with our brokenness. Who cares for our smallest and largest cares. Who delights in our prayers. Who delights to teach us to pray. Who is steadfast in love when we waver. Who is faithful even when we forget it. Who laughs at the time to come right along with us because He is good and He is funny. Who uses our prayers in achieving His purposes. Who is grieved over the lost. Who is gracious and merciful when we struggle. Who remembers that we are dust and is careful in discipline. Who disciplines us because He LOVES us. Who loves to see us grow and trust Him. Who never ever ever forgets us because we are His own children that He ransomed by the blood of His Son. Who chose us, not at random, but knowing exactly who we are, before the foundation of the world. Who has our names permanently written in the Book of Life. Who never let’s a single sheep go astray eternally. Who is the Good Shepherd. Who knows we have the mind of sheep that are prone to wander and yet delights in walking with us. Who takes interest in us. Who adores us. Who lavishly loves us- not just tolerates us- but loves us to the end. Who loves us so much that He WANTS to spend eternity WITH us- forever and ever and ever. Who delights in making us His sons and daughters and delights in being a Father to us. Who calls us His beloved bride. Who is our Husband. Who is jealous for us. Who protects and provides for us. Who invites us to feast with Him in heaven. Who raises us from the dead. Who clothes us with the righteousness of His Son. Who delivered up His Son for our sins. Who follows us with goodness and steadfast love every single day of our lives. Who LOVES that we will dwell with Him forever. Who sees all that we do at every second of every day and bears us up at all moments. Who knows us deeply. Who loves us enough to give Himself over to eternal Hell as we so deserve?!?!?! This. This is the God we pray to. The One we can converse with. The One we can hear from. The One we can know ourselves. The One we can love. The One we can one day see face to face. He is who we worship. And this is not even scratching the surface of His infinite majesty or all that He has done.
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